Wednesday, December 12, 2018

More Random Thought

I think that Mr. Trump's genitals reside in a box in Mrs. Pelosi's trophy case.

After Pecker's cooperation on the campaign finance crimes, it takes wilful blindness to believe that Trump is innocent.

Paul Ryan leaves as he arrived, a complete fraud. The House slipped into the Farm Bill a provision that would prevent the U.S. from fast tracking withdrawal from the horrible war in Yemen

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Events moving too fast .

Random thoughts on recent events.

I knew the GOP would be fine with Trump's racism and criminality. What will they do when the treason is exposed? The clue is that they were fine when McConnell refused to go along with a non partisan statement on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

I don't care if Trump goes to jail ( although that would be nice), the real question is to what extent he has compromised our national security.

Any pardon Trump gives, or gets from Pence, should be challenged in Court as a corrupt bargain.

Pence would be just as bad a president as Trump, but easier to beat in 2020.

The slogan "Trump 2020" should be changed to "Trump 10 to 20 with possibility of parole after 8".

Apart from being Putin's Useful idiots, the GOP is subverting democracy by trying to nullify the results of this year's elections in various states.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Fox is just mailing it in.

Fox "news" doesn't even bother to try anymore. They don't even cover stories that might reflect poorly on Dear Leader and his minions. They spend hours broadcasting in full Trump's unhinged campaign rally rants without a hint of criticism. And now, Bill Shine, who was forced out of Fox for covering up sexual harassment claims, is a White House deputy chief of staff. This relationship is something any despot would be thrilled to have.

Poor Alan Dershowitz.

Poor Alan, he can't get invited to all the dinner parties on Martha Vineyard since he decided to waste his legacy and reputation by shilling for Trump. So of course he claims it's because he supports Israel.

Civility My Ass.

Trump threatens every norm and institution of representative government. His advisors proudly announce that "culture wars" will be the centerpiece of his reelection campaign. His immigration policy is pure racism and is being carried out in a totalitarian manner with deliberate cruelty. His attorney general is a flat out racist who couldn't be confirmed for a Federal judgeship 30 years ago by a GOP controlled Congress. Every agency is headed by someone who is antagonistic to the purpose of the agency, is corrupt, or both.

So what do Schumer and Pelosi clutch their pearls about? Maxine Waters says it's right to get in the face of the liars and pushers of this evil. And people like Huckabee Sanders are not welcome in some places. Maybe they'll come to the rescue of poor Alan Dershowitz.

To Chuck and Nancy, fight or get out of the way.

Where the hell are the Dems?

Every day I get emails from various Democratic fund raising committees begging for money. I have not seen a single thing they do with the money they get. The funniest one is from the "Instant Response" team. Their response to everything is to ask for more money. Where are the ads showing the GOP legislators kissing up to Moscow, the cruelty on the border, and especially the House GOP committee proposing a budget to cut Medicare and Medicaid and defund CHIP? No more from me, until they do something.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Three dogs that didn't bark.

The people who voted for Trump out of "economic anxiety" not complaining about $3 gas.

Complete absence of armored vehicles and SWAT teams along Royal Wedding parade route.

Another school massacre and right wing media not considering guns part of the problem.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Puzzle solved

It has long puzzled me why the Congressional GOP has gone to such great lengths to use its legislative power​ to obstruct the Mueller probe.

They could have diverted by holding legitimate inquiry into Russian attempts to affect our electoral process.

Instead they chose an institutional attack on our counterintelligence capability.

To protect that wonderful individual DJT? I don't think so. Pence would sign their same crappy legislation. So why?

The answer is blindingly clear. Various parts of the GOP have been colluding with the Russians for years.

Details to follow.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Not quite a lie.

Apparently Perdue and Cotton think it's ok to say Trump didn't say shithole because they heard him say shithole.
All you have to know about Trump and his cronies is that the White House, in the name of the United States, issued a false transcript of the televised DACA meeting.

Back in the game.

I'm​ getting back in the game with political content here, and leaving Facebook for social stuff.