Friday, July 6, 2018

Fox is just mailing it in.

Fox "news" doesn't even bother to try anymore. They don't even cover stories that might reflect poorly on Dear Leader and his minions. They spend hours broadcasting in full Trump's unhinged campaign rally rants without a hint of criticism. And now, Bill Shine, who was forced out of Fox for covering up sexual harassment claims, is a White House deputy chief of staff. This relationship is something any despot would be thrilled to have.

Poor Alan Dershowitz.

Poor Alan, he can't get invited to all the dinner parties on Martha Vineyard since he decided to waste his legacy and reputation by shilling for Trump. So of course he claims it's because he supports Israel.

Civility My Ass.

Trump threatens every norm and institution of representative government. His advisors proudly announce that "culture wars" will be the centerpiece of his reelection campaign. His immigration policy is pure racism and is being carried out in a totalitarian manner with deliberate cruelty. His attorney general is a flat out racist who couldn't be confirmed for a Federal judgeship 30 years ago by a GOP controlled Congress. Every agency is headed by someone who is antagonistic to the purpose of the agency, is corrupt, or both.

So what do Schumer and Pelosi clutch their pearls about? Maxine Waters says it's right to get in the face of the liars and pushers of this evil. And people like Huckabee Sanders are not welcome in some places. Maybe they'll come to the rescue of poor Alan Dershowitz.

To Chuck and Nancy, fight or get out of the way.

Where the hell are the Dems?

Every day I get emails from various Democratic fund raising committees begging for money. I have not seen a single thing they do with the money they get. The funniest one is from the "Instant Response" team. Their response to everything is to ask for more money. Where are the ads showing the GOP legislators kissing up to Moscow, the cruelty on the border, and especially the House GOP committee proposing a budget to cut Medicare and Medicaid and defund CHIP? No more from me, until they do something.